May 30, 2006


Dunham Lake Property Owner’s Association                                       

Greenbelt Committee

P.O. Box 304

Highland, Michigan   48357



The annual walk of the Oakland side perimeter of the common areas was held May 22, 2006.  During this walk a probable encroachment was discovered.


The encroachment noted was a three foot strip of mowing between posts 118 and 119 and also mowing of the common area between posts 119 and 120.  This is in violation of our Common Area’s Management Policy

If you do not have internet access we can mail a copy of it to you.  You should also have a copy in the papers your real estate agent gave you when you moved in.


This encroachment was also noted last year (see enclosed copy of last year’s letter).  This requires us to now refer this matter to the Civic Committee for enforcement of the fine policy (


The Encroachment Abatement Procedure requires that we write this letter, and that you respond to it in writing within 2 weeks (DLPOA must receive response by June 14, 2006). A telephone response is not adequate; the response must be in writing.  Mail your reply to the above address.  You can also send your reply via email to  A response will be emailed to you upon receipt of your email. If you do not get a reply within 72 hours you should assume that we did not receive your email. It is then your responsibility to try again, either by email or regular mail. A copy of your reply, minus your name, will be posted to the encroachment report that is published on the web.


Please review the Encroachment Abatement Procedure at  It is your responsibility to be familiar with this document. 


An encroachment report will be published in the upcoming Dunham Laker.  The complete report, as submitted to the Board, will be published on the web site  A report will also be presented at the annual meeting.





Diane L. Hallinen  

Chair Greenbelt Committee