The "secret path" that is behind the lots that face Parkway Court
was partially explored. The trillium and may apples were in
Between posts 15 and 16 two large wood thingamabobs
were found on the greenbelt. A letter was sent, an
inadequate reply was received, and a
second letter was sent..
Between posts 14 and 15 a cute statue was sitting on a stump. A letter was sent and a reply was received..
Between posts 5 and 6 nine norway maple stumps were documented. This was noted last fall and the lot owner was notified at that time. A letter was sent.
We then hoofed it over to the Oakland side. Between posts 96 and 97 we found 3 piles of cut ivy. I only took a picture of one. A letter was sent and a reply was received..
The walk was completed on May 23, 2006 starting at 1 pm. In attendance were Carol VanSpybrook, Carole Gannon, Terry Gannon, Herb Cole and Diane Hallinen. It was a sunny 65 degrees with a light breeze, ideal conditions.
Continuing north on the Oakland side we came across plywood leaning on two strawbales.. This was
adjacent to post
107. A letter was sent and a
reply was received.
The rock wall garden was once again noted between posts 113 and 114.
This area had some garlic mustard
growing, which was removed during the walk.
Between posts 114 and 115 it appeared that a 3 foot strip of the greenbelt was being mowed. A letter was sent and a reply was received.
Between posts 118 and 119 we found about 3 foot strip of greenbelt being mowed.
This same lot owner is also mowing about a 2 foot strip between posts
119 and 120 The log pile seen in the image
is right on the line, the mowing is on the greenbelt side of the line.
This lot owner has encroached in this manner for multiple years.
letter was sent and the issue referred to the Civic Committee for
enforcement of the fine
Last summer we had a work crew with a bobcat that inadvertently
cleared an area of a hillside on the north Livingston side. A
resident decided to continue this clearing process and basically made a
trail parallel to an existing unimproved path. Some residents
with lots in the area of the path are opposed to the creation of a new
path and have asked the board to restore it to how it was. After review
the area the board has voted to not restore the area at this time
because it was felt that the new path appeared to be a logical
extension of the path. However, the Board did not approve the creation
of the path, and has asked the Greenbelt Committee to send a
letter to the individual responsible for the new path. The letter
instructs the individual to do no maintenance on this path and not to
create any additional paths. A letter was
We saw less litter than in previous years. Thank you to those of you
who pick up trash while on your walks.